What is the timeline for completing this project?
It takes time to realize a project of this magnitude and it depends on the number of people in the core group and the amount of time each person has to commit to the project. Once a core group is more established, we will create a preliminary timeline based on the individual lives of members. The timeline will include many small, realistic goals that lead to greater milestones towards accomplishing our vision. We will employ tools such as budgets, visualization exercises, flow charts, consultants and methods to support and hold each other accountable for our commitments.

How will the village be financed? What will it cost?
The initial cost of investment and ongoing fees will be greatly influenced by the legal structures we choose, the type of property we acquire, the zoning permissions, development plans and location as well as our collective assets. Early on in the process of core group development, we will explore various financing options and fundraising strategies.

Are potential members asked to contribute financially? Are there monthly/ annual fees?
We value the inclusion of people based on many assets, not necessarily financial. There are many types of contribution to a project including time, skills and finances. There will be initial investment and development costs, likely ongoing fees and potential capital improvement costs. Although financial contribution is a factor, we value affordability and strive to maintain a flexible and creative attitude towards the consideration of members. 


How do potential members join the project?

We encourage interested people to read and contemplate this website and research the links listed at the bottom of the main page. These links are integral to the vision and processes inspiring The Village Project. Our intention is to attract core members who hold similar values so we can further develop the vision and project. Please visit the Potential Members page for more details.

Can non-members and non-residents be involved in the project? 

Eco-education and arts programs initiated by The Village Project will be open to the public.

What will the village's role be in the wider community?

One of the core values of The Village Project is to live a viable example of an ecologically minded alternative to the mainstream. We intend on building a multitude of outreach programming focused on sharing our discoveries with the wider community in Victoria and on Vancouver Island. We also recognize social sustainability as an essential factor in maintaining a healthy community. Part of the decision to create a semi-rural community is based on living within an accessible distance from a wider social network for members.


What is the process(es) the community will follow to realize the
Recognizing that only a low percentage of envisioned communities actually get built, we plan to employ a variety of processes that other successful communities have used. Researching and visiting other intentional communities and ecovillages both locally and globally will support us in the creation of this project. One of the most inspiring and helpful resources has been Creating A Life Together: Practical Tools to Grow Ecovillages and Intentional Communities by Diana Leafe Christian

What will the legal entity(s) be for owning property, community enterprises and use rights? 
There are many legal entities to own property, conserve ecosystems, develop land, and manage community businesses as a group. Early in the solidification of a core group, we will discuss strategies that will best serve our members and vision. Some considerations include property rights, responsibilities of members, vulnerability to creditors with regard to personal assets, financial compensation for departing members, and title holds. We may consult lawyers and other professionals for legal advice.

How will the community organize finances? How do members earn a living?
The internal community economy will consider both financial and labour contribution. Based on the skills and assets of the core group, we will develop a plan for initial costs, taxes, insurance, utilities, maintenance, repair costs, remodeling, infrastructural development and management costs. The internal economy will likely be a blend of independent incomes as well as community efforts towards revenue. We value the balance of both independent and shared resources and expenses.

How do we make decisions
We believe the equal distribution of power is crucial to the growth of this project and maintaining healthy relationships with ourselves and each other. We value both a democratic decision making process and the benefits of smaller focus committees to achieve goals. Once a core group is established, we will research and learn about the variety of options and combinations of group decision processes such as full consensus, consensus minus one or two, multi-winner voting, and majority voting. We may employ more than one decision making method for different types of decisions.


How will members make a living?  
Searching for property in a semi-rural setting will provide the opportunity for some members to commute to Victoria for employment. Others will likely be self-employed contractors working out of their homes. There may also be community owned enterprises that would employ members in various roles to carry out the shared vision of those establishments. For example, the envisioned 'arts creation centre' and 'ecological outreach program' may become community owned enterprises under a different legal entity as the land ownership, and therefore able to employ members. 

What are the labour requirements of members? 
In the initial stages of forming and building the village, there will be an enormous amount of tasks and research required. We ask potential members to be aware of the workload and consider whether this is something they are able to commit to. We plan to document time spent on community tasks early in the process in order to encourage each other and ensure equality among core group members.

How many people will live in the village?

We estimate that the minimum amount of people it would require to  build and maintain the the land, residences, gardens, arts centre, and eco-program is between 20 - 50 people. This number is estimated by the amount of labour required, the amount of human effort behind the tasks and also the well-being of the members with regards to workload.

Does the community have a shared spiritual practice?

The Village Project does not have a shared spiritual practice or belief system. Our values, listed on the home page reflect our shared beliefs and allow us to connect with each other and realize a shared vision. Although we are open to members who have personal spiritual practices, we do not promote any one path.