Development Process

At this early stage of formation and development, we believe it is vital to the success of the project to commit to a solid structural process and follow in the footprints of communities who have been successful. One key resource for The Village Project has been the book Creating A Life Together: Practical Tools to Grow Ecovillages and Intentional Communities by Diana Leafe Christian.

We encourage potential members to research Diana's work to learn the processes The Village Project might employ and the topics that will be discussed.

Here is a brief synopsis of the steps we intend to follow and topics we intend to discuss: 

Core Group Formation 
  • Communicating Vision - share, communicate and participate in outreach to individuals and related organizations 
  • Vision Circles - brainstorm and collaborate in groups, collecting ideas and answering questions
  • Potential Core Group Meetings - gather in groups with interested potential members to test out compatibility, values and goals

Refining Vision Documents
  • Researching and Visiting Communities - initiate research stage to prepare for refining The Village Project's vision, processes and policies
  • Refine Vision/Mission/Values/Goals - refine vision documents based on core members' idea contributions and research
  • Decision Making Tools - learn decision making tools such as consensus, voting, etc, and choose one or more that serve the community
  • Conflict Resolution Strategies - learn various conflict resolution techniques and define strategies to deal with potential conflicts that may arise
  • Structure Meeting Processes - refine processes for running meetings, recording minutes, creating agendas, holding ourselves accountable
  • Create Guiding Principles & Policies - begin structuring basic policies such as membership processes, pet policies, accountability techniques
  • Form Committees - form committees to carry out various tasks efficiently (ie: finance, building, programming, membership)
  • Choose & Set Legal Entity - consult professionals and choose legal entities for land ownership, arts centre and eco- programming

Finding A Space
  • Narrow Location Options - consult professionals and choose location based on site criteria, zoning laws, sustainable building limits, etc
  • Refine Financial Plans - refine buying and developing budget, pooling donations, borrowing power, grants and existing assets
  • Finance and Purchase Property - consult realtors and other professionals to finance and purchase property, boundary survey, water/soil testing, etc

Develop Property
  • Negotiate Zoning and Building Permits - adjust zoning to correlate to the four-fold use plan (residential, agricultural, conservation and commercial)
  • Refine Development Plan - based on property, create building priorities and timeline