Core Values

These core values are the foundation of the community vision. They are the purpose and driving force of arising goals and plans we intend to achieve. We encourage potential members to consider how these values correlate to their own beliefs. 

  • Ecological Sensibility - village scale living using sustainable building methods and energy sources while maintaining an organic stewardship of the land and conscientious conservation of natural resources

  • Sharing Resources - employing cooperative strategies on tools, finances and ownership to increase the standard of living for members and limit dependance on institutional structures for basic needs such as food, water and energy

  • Creative Expression - fostering a space where multidisciplinary art forms are nourished and encouraged as an essential part of cultural development and valuable insight into humanity and life

  • Loving Kindness - creating a supportive, respectful environment for cooperative, healthy relationships with ourselves, each other and the Earth

  • Educational Model - actively living as a viable example of an ecologically minded alternative to mainstream and sharing our discoveries and ideas through workshops, publications and visitor programs

  • Human Diversity - non-dogmatic and welcoming of diverse backgrounds, education, sexual orientation, spiritual beliefs, gender, ethnicity and age

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