Potential Members

The Village Project is still in its sprouting stage, so individuals seeking to join need initiative, abundant energy and a willingness to learn. We are currently seeking core group members. The core group is the driving energy behind the creation of the community; from brainstorming initial ideas, organizing functional processes, purchasing and developing property and actualizing the community vision to achieve goals.

The direction of The Village Project is three-fold. The combined energies of an eco-conscious residential setting, a centre for artistic creation and ecologically focused learning program compose a unique and thriving community. Potential members are not expected to have a skill set that would serve the realization of all three directions. However, members need to be invested in supporting the growth of the trinity that comprises this unique community. 

Potential Member Criteria 
Keeping in mind that human beings are not perfect, the list below suggests what kind of people and qualities we are looking for:

  • Have an intention to build and experience a growing, learning, supportive, challenging and ecologically conscious community 
  • Are enthusiastic about living collectively with a diverse group of people
  • Are motivated entrepreneurs with a pioneering spirit
  • Value group process, sharing responsibility, and maintaining personal accountability
  • Are dedicated to a socially, environmentally and financially responsible lifestyle
  • Have the ability and willingness to commit time to and share equally in the development of this community. (ie: research, visioning meetings, organizing guiding documents, participating in collective learning experiences, manual labour)
  • Have a strong sense of self awareness and are truthful in their public and personal affairs
  • Are congruent in their values, verbal commitments and actions
  • Have the initiative to contribute creatively to the beauty and functionality of buildings and landscape
  • Are eager to develop and share skills in ecologically sustainable living
  • Are effective listeners and communicators in one on one and group settings
  • Are willing to participate in skill-building workshops (ie: non-violent communication, consensus decision making, conflict resolution, natural building, permaculture, etc)
  • Respect personal boundaries and those defined by the group as a whole
  • Have the ability to commit financially and/or have fundraising, grant writing and sponsorship seeking skills
  • Have the ability to remain free of destructive and addictive behaviours
  • Are able to approach challenges with a positive attitude and sense of humour
  • Have skills and/or interests in the arts and creative expression
  • Are enthusiastic and committed to the long-term success of The Village Project 

Membership Process
If you are interested in exploring the opportunity of joining the core group of The Village Project, please read the steps below for more information. These steps briefly outline our membership process at this early stage of development. Please note that this outline serves as a guide for us to get to know the individuals interested in the project and not an inflexible process. Some of the steps may be fluid and interchangeable, based on the individuals. 

  1. Send us an email at thevillageproject@live.ca expressing your area(s) of interest, your background and any experience you have with community, sustainable living and the arts

  2. We will contact you for an initial conversation by phone or in person to introduce each other's backgrounds and answer questions about the project

  3. Individuals may be invited to participate in 1 - 3 small group brainstorming/ visioning sessions to talk about inspirations and skills

  4. Potential members are asked to fill out a New Member's Questionnaire in order to learn whether the individual is congruent with The Village Project's vision, values and goals
  5. Selected potential core members are invited to one or more membership meetings to discuss more seriously the potential role within the community

  6. Potential members are accepted as Provisional Members for 3 months. The purpose of provisional status is try out the realities of the individual functioning with the community and visa versa

  7. After 3 months and a discussion about the continued participation of the individual, Provisional Members, are accepted as Full Members